Technical vs. Adaptive Challenges

A technical challenge can be solved with a known method, one that you have experienced or used in the past. An adaptive challenge requires an unknown method to resolve, which requires learning new methods, and usually takes more time than a quick technical fix to create adaptive change in organizations.

I facilitate the Executive Leadership Skills Series classes for the National Fire Academy nationwide, which is based on Ronald Heifetz's "The practice of adaptive leadership..." My students (fire department leaders in the U.S.) are surprised to learn that they have to learn new techniques to effectively lead their organizations because adaptive change is accomplished when people believe in the change, support and implement it themselves, as stakeholders in the organization's success.

Rogers Consulting facilitates team meetings and conducts custom classes to develop your organization's leaders to facilitate adaptive change. Contact us if you are implementing technical fixes and not accomplishing adaptive change in your organization, we can guide you to success.
