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Fire Department Clients


Warrenville Fire Protection District, Lisle/Woodridge Fire Protection District and Naperville Fire Department in Illinois


Feedback from their Cost-Savings Team Meeting in Warrenville, Illinois, on Monday, February 29, 2016:


"Your coaching was great! I was caught by surprise because I didn’t expect the meeting to be that formal and to go the direction that it did, it was refreshing though."

          -- Andrew Dina, Division Chief, Naperville Fire Department


"I think you did a great job at coaching. I think that because you were not from within the fire service your coaching encouraged a more open response from those in attendance. I also think that this meeting was helpful in that it provided everyone with information that was more specific as to some of the specific goals and objectives."

          -- Terry Jelenik, Training Chief at Warrenvile Fire Protection District


"it was very good to have the meeting continue to progress instead of getting sidetracked or hung up on one particular issue, which is what has so often happened in the past."

          -- Kris Dixon, MIS at Lisle/Woodridge Fire Protection District


"Amy guided our team to have the difficult conversations that we needed, to produce direction and goals for our team to succeed."

          -- Dave Kruzil, Assistant Chief at Warrenvile Fire Protection District

















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