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The Power of Imagination

Team Imagination

Are you constantly following the direction of others? Have you ever attended a meeting where someone stopped the meeting to take a moment of silence and asked everyone to imagine what could be possible? Do you take silent time to think of possibilities in your life, your work, your team?

If you have not experienced this recentlly, take a silent moment to think of new ideas and use your imagination. I have heard life coaches and management coaches talk about this in business meetings and books within the past year. I have seen the value of giving everyone in a team a moment of slience to process and contribute imaginative ideas that progress the team effort and create more innovative ways to succeed in teamwork.

I personally developed my own business concept after a talk on this topic, silently driving home in my car (after struggling to decide on my business direction this for a few years). If one person can completely change the direction of her life in a moment of silence, imagine the progress that is possible when a group of team members align and enact their collective imagination.

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